So I was inspired by a idea on Pinterest where you can create a outdoor light using Dollar Tree wire baskets and solar lights. As with all inspired DIY's I like to put my own spin on it and not copy 100%. Where my differs is the solar lighting I used and how I put the wire baskets together. I saw these colorful single solar light bulbs at Hobby Lobby that matched perfectly with my balcony. My plan was to incorporate three of them in my hanging light. So to begin the project two wire baskets from Dollar Tree are needed. You can find them in their garden section. I first took the hanging wire chains off both of them. The hanging chain attaches to the basket with three removable clasps. I came up with the brilliant idea of using the clasp to fasten the two wire baskets together. The inspired Pinterest project used metal wire to attach them. I was very pleased that it actually worked. If you look on the actual wire basket you will see three hooks at the top of the basket. Align both baskets with the hooks and attach the clasp to them. The easy step was attaching the solar light bulbs to the top of the hanging basket that is a ring shape. Make sure to space them out. To make my hanging chain longer I connected the extra one that was left over. Since I have a balcony with a awning I will at times have to remove the bulbs and place them in a spot with full sun. Really love how this compliments my balcony. Perfect outdoor haven to enjoy a few glasses of wine.
Close up photo of the clasp used to put the wire baskets together. They were originally hooked on the hanging chain.